06 August 2017

My Journey to Post 108 Poems I Have Written (1 of 108)

Monks Lay Down Their Dust
by Liz Toombs

Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust.  My life from the Ruach*.
Monks, monsters to a non-believers ‘only they themselves have control’.

Earth or other matter.  A cloud of finely powered substance.
Sawdust, fire ashes, skin cells, and other earthly remains.
Those who dust, are considered dust ­­ low or humble being.

From ancient times thru today, i know dust.
i might stay awhile then shake the dust from my feet when i  leave.

Dust can catch in my throat, but i don’t want to lick the dust.
Nor do i want to bite the dust.

i want to make the dust to fly with the words of my work.
i want to dust off Bishop, Dickinson, Keats, Plath, Whitman and Wordsworth.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.  My life from the Ruach.
From ancient times thru today, i know dust.
No monk here, just a simple piece of dust trying to live and write.

i may never leave anyone in the dust, but my words might fly.

May i write like a monk lives, may a monk live beyond their dust.

©Liz Toombs 2017 (1 of 108)

*Ruach, is an ancent term meaning Breath of God.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading these poetic thoughts, Liz. I suspect you have the discipline to reach your 108 goal!
