09 January 2013

365c 9. A Cross A Day. repost Zentangle

Was previously posted as # 1 on 5 May 12.  What i wrote then basically still applies;  so here it is:

This is the first cross for 365 a Day.  i will be presenting crosses when they are subtle, direct, or in relief like this cross is displayed.  The other items also make up a VERY newly discovered interest and artistic process called Zentangles.  i assure you, there will be more of these.  This is also my first Zentangle. 

i will have projects that are mutiple day efforts and very simple ones.  i assure that the idea of that 365 Cross a Day and/or the picture i take to post will be solely my own.  i have some ideas to make found or other crosses into this 365 a Day project as well.

i hope you enjoy this endeavor half as much as i have enjoyed think and planning this project.  Please if you have any idea on how or what material to make a cross, let me know.  All idea's are welcome.

More later.  LFS liz

May you cross a creative inkling today.

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