15 January 2013

365c 15, A Cross a Day, An emergence of three things of creativity.

i am getting back to the crosses.  Filling days as i want to get to 365c #365 on December 31st of this year.

Yes, below is an abstract type of cross made out of cut out giraffes.  Yes, you may ask why a giraffe?  For those who get my annual letter might recognize this name-Carla Sonheim, as it was one that has interested me in 2012.  She teaches online using flicker, blogs, and websites to teach various different classes.  i have taken two classes and the third class is the one she calls Giraffe and Creativity.  The group is utilizing the giraffe as the object of our creative exercises.   You will hear more about this in future postings.  You can go to Flickr and see my giraffe and Draw class work, all work in progress;  some will be shared and posted in this blog going forward.

i had made my word for the year-CREATIVITY.  i was all in for this class.  In our first conference call i spoke to the idea that i will be using the class as a sort of lab for all my work to learn and investigate creativity.

May you cross a creative inkling today.

LFS, liz

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