27 January 2013

365 c 27, A Cross a Day, A Found Shadow on a Building

These shots are a found cross at a specific time of the day at specific season.  i am not 100% sure what is causing the cross shadow, but it is a cool found cross.  i located it at my apartment complex.

The symbolism and/or metaphor is really odd here....it makes me wonder:  what was the shadow on Golgotha (the hill Jesus was crucified upon),  was it a cloudy day and no shadows, when the soldiers 'rolled the dice' for his garment were they in the shadow of the cross,  and when he was taken down did the women work in the dark or was there light with a shadow?  i wonder what shadows we leave upon the minds of another who is not a 'mere christian'.  Do we shine and lay out the best of 'mere christianity' to shadow and cool those around us?

May you cross a creative inkling today?

LFS, liz

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